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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Pedagogic Supervision As a Function of Effective Curriculum Implementation in Some Selected Primary Schools in Yaounde 3

( Volume 5 Issue 4,April 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Ojong Angela Ojong


Effective curriculum implementation will only take place if all the necessary things are put in place. Every profession requires continuous improvement in methods and skills that necessary for employee performance. This means that the effective curriculum implementation of teacher is vital for the success of every school. One of the most important reasons for pedagogic supervision is to see to it that each teacher performs the duties assigned to him or her and improve the effectiveness of teachers to enable them contribute their maximum quota to attain the goals of a school. Whenever we come across the term pedagogic supervision in our country our minds goes to inspectors. We know pedagogic supervision is mostly done by inspectors but we should also bear in mind that principals and head teachers are also pedagogic inspectors in their various schools. The teacher’s duty as a curriculum implementer cannot be over emphasized and so this article is on Pedagogic supervision and curriculum implementation.  Our focus in this research will be based on the head teacher and teachers in some primary schools in Yaounde 3. The purpose of this research is to investigate the extent to which pedagogic supervision can lead to effective curriculum implementation. The sample consists of 130 primary school teachers in Yaounde 3 randomly selected from 10 schools. The research instrument used was the questionnaire. The results shows that all the research hypotheses were accepted while the null hypotheses were rejected. Recommendations weremade to pedagogic inspectors and teachers.

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