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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Physical Properties and Durability Testing for Calcined Bauxite and Its Alternatives

( Volume 7 Issue 12,December 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Eslam Deef-Allah, Korrenn Broaddus, Magdy Abdelrahman


High Friction Surface Treatment, Calcined Bauxite, High Friction Aggregate, Micro-Deval, Los Angeles.


Calcined Bauxite (CB) is the most common aggregate used for high friction surface treatment in Missouri. However, CB has very limited sources, which makes it more expensive than locally available aggregates. Consequently, this study evaluated CB's feasible alternatives through physical properties testing and durability testing. Alternative aggregates were Earthworks, Meramec River Aggregate, Steel Slag, Rhyolite, Black Diabase, Quartzite, Flint Chat, and Potosi Dolomite. The physical properties testing contained aggregate gradation, specific gravity and absorption, and uncompacted void content. Durability tests involved Los Angeles (LA) abrasion, Micro-Deval (MD), sodium sulfate soundness, water-alcohol freeze thaw, and acid-insoluble residue. The relationship between LA and MD mass losses was explored. A direct linear relationship was detected between the LA and MD mass losses. The MD was found to be more sensitive for aggregate screening than LA. Based on this study, Meramec River Aggregate was the most favorable alternative to CB followed by Earthworks


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