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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Physical Properties of Energy-Momentum Tensor of Gravitational Field in RAF Theory

( Volume 4 Issue 11,November 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Branko M. Novakovic


In Relativistic Alpha Field Theory (RAFT or RAF theory) there are two the most intriguing conclusions. The first one is that the Energy Momentum Tensor (EMT) of gravitational static field obeys the following properties: 1) the symmetry, 2) the non-negative energy density and 3) zero trace of EMT. Here the non-negative energy density means that the energy density is positive, but at the radius rc = GM/c2 is zero. This radius corresponds to the point where the acceleration is equal to zero because negative acceleration is changing into the positive one. This is the crucial difference between RAF theory of gravitational static field and field gravity approach, where energy density is positive and without null point. At the radius rc free fall velocity is maximal and equal to the speed of the light in vacuum c. The second conclusion is that the gravity force is attractive  ( in the region rc < r < ∞) and repulsive (in the region rmin r < rc ,  where rmin=GM/2c2). At the minimal radius rmin, repulsive force is maximal.


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