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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Physics and the Universe, Realities of Appreciation

( Volume 2 Issue 4,April 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Don Okpala, Uchechukwu Vincent


In this paper, Physics and the universe were studied. The philosophy of reflecting on the basic metaphysical and epistemological questions posed by physics was answered. It was discovered that we live in a matter universe where particles of matter are interacting with each other resulting to the release and recycling of energy. Physics studies matter and energy and their interaction with each other. Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. Mass is the quantity of material contained in a body. Energy is the capacity to do work. It was established that the product of the change in the mass of the interacting particles of matter and the square of the speed of light holds the universe.

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Total View : 734 | Downloads : 725 | Page No: 137-139 |

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