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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder & Treatment Approaches Adult Psychopathology

( Volume 6 Issue 2,February 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Phillip D. Clingan


The research paper addresses the problem of a psychological disorder called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and compare and examine treatment approaches, (1) stress inoculation, and treatment approach, (2) exposure therapy. A solution to this problem will help combat veterans and people who have PTSD, to include mental health professionals experiencing difficulties managing PTSD patients who express anger, anxiety, depression, fear memories and feelings of helplessness during therapeutic sessions to help control negative influences. To solve this problem, the researcher identifies through a research paper, peer-review journals, primary and secondary resources. These resources examine through using describing the psychological disorder, examining the effectiveness of two treatment approaches, comparing the treatment approaches, and analysis can recognize and decrease PTSD symptoms. Consolidated, the resources introduce primary treatment strategies such as psychotherapy, medications, treatment approaches that include stress inoculation, exposure therapy, self-care mindfulness, individual and group therapy, and structured approach therapy frameworks. This approach compares and summarizes sources used to address the research paper, comparison of treatment approaches, and emotional responses of veteran participants. The approach continues to examine the impact of client treatments, feedback from PTSD patients regarding group-based exposure therapy, and the need for further research. The research paper addresses how PTSD can make a veteran feel like the traumatic event is happening over-and-over, and how group-based exposure therapy (GBET) offers advance mental health care for survivors of traumatic events.


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