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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Power Consumption and Equivalent Quantum State in Nano Circuits Comprising of Carbon Nano Resistors in Different Configurations

( Volume 2 Issue 9,September 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ashrafuz Zaman Sk., Dr.Ranjit Choudhury


The field of carbon nano  tubes (CNT) is an active and emerging area of research  with many promises, theoretically as well as experimentally[1],[2]. In fact, the band structure of CNT determines its conductivity and in carbon nano tubes the structural pattern affects the conductivity type .It is well established Phenomenon that samples of single wall carbon nano tubes with the arm chair wrapping have been produced and exhibit metallic behaviour  . In this paper we consider the carbon nano resistors, which are in fact conductors.            To remind you all about the striking features of CNT  that occur in practice such as quantized electrical behavior  of  resistance, resistivity, drift velocity  and energy of electron in one dimensional extremely thin  carbon nano tubes or wires etc,  with the help of these beautiful inherent properties researchers  have already advanced in many applied and  theoretical  aspects  of CNT see for instance ref.[1],[2],[3] and [4].In the similar fashion ,we would like to concentrate on the already established  quantized result of the power consumption in CNT[4] and quantized expression of  current density[3] in order to determine the cumulative power consumption in electrical circuits on nano scale ,employing different and several nano resistors  in simple series ,parallel and mixed grouping configurations of the resistors  .Finally,  some  more  nice results  are achieved for equivalent quantum state of CNT replacing  all the component  quantum  resistors in series, parallel and mixed grouping configurations.


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