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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Productivity Analysis Of Hydraulic Static Pile Driver On Victoria Square Tower B Apartement

( Volume 3 Issue 10,October 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Arif Rahman Hakim, Amirul Akbar


In building an apartment construction required attention in the implementation of the construction, especially on the work of erection. The building location of Victoria Square Tower B Apartment in Tangerang Banten is located in a residential area and has limited space, so it needs a solution related to the erection work so as not to cause vibration/noise to the surrounding environment. In the case study of the construction of Victoria Square Tower B Apartment in Tangerang Banten, the erection method used was to use the Hydraulic Static Pile Driver tool. The types of work on the erection consist of Move to The Point, Lifting Pile, Clamping & Piling, Joint Pile (Welding), Dolly, and Cutting Pile. The results of descriptive analysis in this study obtained the value of production of tools Hydraulic Static Pile Driver lowest is 0.225 meter/minute or equivalent 13.5 meter/hour and the highest production value is 1,364 meter/minute or equivalent 82 meter/hour.

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