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Productivity Improvement Planning From Recorded Downtime Using 5M (Fish Bone Diagram) Method

( Volume 8 Issue 8,August 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Rizki Rahman Hakim,Tukhas Shilul Imaroh


Productivity Increase, Recorded Downtime, Production Capacity, 5M Analysis


The rapid development of cultivated fish causes the demand for fish feed to increase every year. This is an opportunity as well as a challenge for companies engaged in animal feed. One of the problems in dealing with the increasing demand for fish feed is the limited ability of the machine to meet the desired production. The increase in sales made the management add a new production line engaged in floating fish feed. After done mass production at the location of this research carried out within the scope of production, the production target with a value of 200Ton/day has not been achieved. There are several problems that occur in daily production so that at the time of the initial research, the average production achievement was only 150Ton/Day with total downtime reach 8,019 minutes in March 2021 or if converted to a tonnage of 50Ton/Day. In order to make improvements to the production results, the following method is used downtime analysis and Forum Group Discussion with analysis method Fishbone (5M: Man, Machine, Method, Material and Mother Nature) and Analyze 5Why by searching Action Plan to be carried out and make a Productivity Improvement Plan. Result of analysis downtime with the 5M method, a productivity improvement plan is obtained with the result by the analysis which can be improved, which Man 11.32Ton/Day, Machine 23.93 Tons/Day, Material total of 11.41Ton/Day and Method amount 4.12Ton/day. By doing action plan to the increase in productivity, there is an increase in productivity above the target starting in July 2021 with production achievements with an average of 209.4Ton/Day.

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