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Protection of Victim's Right - The Most Serious Agenda to Be Tabled under the Criminal Justice System

( Volume 7 Issue 4,April 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Daisy Changmai


Violence, Victim, Protection, Atrocity, Criminal Justice System.


As Martin Luther quotes – “nothing good ever comes of violence”. Violence always results in various sufferings and those who suffer can rightly be termed as victims. Every violence be it physical, mental, or sexual, leaves an adverse effect on the victims. Reportedly, women and children are the common targets in any kinds of violence.In the present scenario where the rights of the accused are getting prominence under the criminal justice system, a victim should also receive considerable significance in their right to access to justice. Very often victims express their dissatisfaction for not getting proper attention as well as unsympathetic treatment during the criminal trial. On many occasion, rights of the victims are left unrepresented, as a result, majority stakeholders are deprived of their basic human right and those who show little courage to fight for the justice receives horrific experience from all corners. The Supreme Court of India assumed a stellar role through its rulings in protecting the right ofthevictims but has to make some pragmatic approach rather than an idealistic one. The international human right movement under the patronage of the United Nations has made tremendous progress to meet the challenges and raising awareness about victim’s rights. Similarly, the International Criminal Court advances an innovative system of justice by taking into account the rights of victims.  Adoption of the Rome Statute by the International Criminal Court embarks some ray of hope to the aspects of the victim’s right.


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