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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Public-Private Partnerships in Slum Rehabilitation

( Volume 7 issue 11,November 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Jash Bhatia


Development Economics, Public-Private Partnership, Slum Rehabilitation, Socioeconomic Objectives.


Slum rehabilitation by ensuring availability of facilities and civic services is key to the human development of slum dwellers. The Dharavi slum in Mumbai, has been subject to several failed redevelopment plans. Meanwhile, São Paulo, a major city in Brazil, had a starkly different experience with their slum upgrading program, which was largely a government mandated project. In Mumbai, the government produces tenders to be auctioned to contractors who will take up the physical redevelopment. There is a need for policy which not only addresses the structural inefficiencies of Dharavi, but also the social factors which are resistant to the proposed rehabilitation.

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