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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

IJNTR is Member of Crossref (DOI) USA

DOI: 10.31871/IJNTR

Google Scholar is a public Internet search engine which indexes the full text or metadata of scientific literature in various formats and publishing disciplines. Released in beta in November 2004. The Google Scholar Index covers the majority of peer-reviewed online journals and books, conference papers, thesis and dissertations, preprints, summaries, technical reports and other scientific literature, including court opinions and patents . Although Google does not publish the size of the Google Scholar database, researchers have estimated that it contains around 389 million documents, including articles, quotes and patents, making it the world's largest academic search engine in January 2018. Previously, the size was estimated at 160 million documents for May 2014. Earlier statistical estimates published in PLOS ONE using the Mark and recapture method estimated approximately 80-90% of the coverage of all articles published in English with an estimated 100 million. This estimate also determined how many documents were freely available online.

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All the organisation determines the ranking of journals according to their own. According to us, all these journals are good: Elsevier, Springer-Verlag, IEEE Journals, Taylor and Francis, John Wiley and Sons, Sage Publications, SciELO, Walter de Gruyter, Redalyc, RMIT Publishing, Inderscience Publishers, Hindawi Publishing, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press (OUP) Corporation, Project MUSE, Engineering Research Publication, Revues, Emerald, Wolters Kluwer - Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, IJNTR, Biomed Central Ltd., African Journals Online, WOAR Journals, Scientific Research Publishing, Sabinet Online Ltd, Medknow Publishers, Informa Healthcare, WJRR, Thieme Publishing Group.

Call for Papers

Last Date of Paper Submission February 09, 2025

Review Report (Faster Online Peer Review) : Within 3-4 Days after Submission

Publication (online) Within 1-2 Days After Registration

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