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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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QR Code based Advanced Digital Locking System using Raspberry Pi

( Volume 7 Issue 5,May 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Bhargavi Kavalanekar, Poorva Sankhe, Nikita Rathiwadekar, Umesh Mahind


Alphanumeric key security, QR code technology, Raspberry Pi.


In recent years, owing to the proliferation of Internet of things, homes and offices square measure being translated into good homes and offices. The paper presents an epitome of sensible door lock system which may be accustomed enhance the safety. Door locks measure a standard prevalence in our everyday lives. Yet, we tend to still trust ancient doorknobs, that use physical keys that brings with it several issues like key duplication from photos and lock-picking. The focus being security, the primary layer is the alphanumeric key security, and the next layer involves the QR code technology. QR is one of the most secure way to ensure security as it can generate a new code for each new data provided. It will be extremely helpful in tracking the number of individuals trying to access the system. The automation system includes Raspberry Pi equipped with camera and an android mobile phone. This project aims to make a door lock system as an improved alternative that accepts QR codes for the door lockup system.


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Total View : 602 | Downloads : 593 | Page No: 11-15 |

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