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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Reading Analog Gauges Using Open CV for Hazardous Area Applications

( Special Issue VIT Campus,June 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Shreya Adsul, Sayali Kulkarni, Saniya Godbole, Manisha Narwane


Analog gauges, OpenCV, Hough Transform, OCR, Tesseract.


Analog meters are widely used in the Process industry due to their ruggedness, simple construction, high reliability, and easy operation. Most of the applications use analog meters as they provide accurate results for the purposes. They are easy to use and still the first choice for the industries to do measurement. A Human Operator has to manually take the measurements which causes errors. In hazardous areas like Oil and Gas industries, mining industry the operator’s safety is at stake while taking measurements.


This paper suggests a simple application that makes use of image processing. The application takes an image of the gauge and reads the value. Before giving any result, the application first calibrates the image in small angular values and then makes use of the calibrated values in the measurement stage to convert the angles into meaningful values to display. This measurement technique will help the human operator to work in hazardous areas without any health risk.

Paper Statistics:

Total View : 654 | Downloads : 645 | Page No: 39-42 |

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