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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Relativistic Alpha Field Theory -Part II: Does a Gravitational Field Could be Without Singularity?

( Volume 1 Issue 5,September 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Branko M. Novakovic


General Relativity Theory (GRT) cannot be applied to the extremely strong gravitational field at the Planck’s scale, because of the related singularity. Here we show that Relativistic Alpha Field (RAF) theory extends the application of GRT to the extremely strong fields at the Planck’s scale. This is the consequence of the following predictions of RAF theory: a) no a singularity at the Schwarzschild radius, b) there exists a minimal radius at r = rmin = (GM/2c2) that prevents singularity at r = 0, i.e. the nature protects itself, c) the gravitational force becomes positive (repulsive) if (GM/rc2) > 1, that could be a source of a dark energy, and d) unification of electrical and gravitational forces can be done in the standard four dimensions (4D). Predictions a) and b) are presented in this (second) part of this theory. It has been shown that the metrics of the line element is regular in the region where radius is greater or equal to rmin and less than infinity. The predictions c) and d) are considered in the third part of the theory. The key point for the predictions of RAF theory is the solution of the field parameters presented in the first part of the theory. If RAF theory is correct, then it could be applied to the both weak and strong fields at the Universe and Planck’s scales giving the new light to the regions like black holes, quantum theory, high energy physics, Big Bang theory and cosmology. 


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