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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Renal Ureteroscopy Treatment of Kidney and Bladder Stones

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Giorgio Maria Paul Graziano, Federica Castelli, Prof Antonino Graziano


The high incidence of urinary stones ranges from 20-40 years with a M / F ratio of 3: 1 The advent of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy associated with improved optical endoscopic have significantly reduced morbidity representing the gold standard for the treatment of urinary stones purpose of the study is to detect, by implementing an analysis of the physical and clinical parameters, the technique and complications of the procedure, the factors that can predict what the potential cases of high morbidity. Materials and methods From January 2000 to December 2014 were performed at the Surgical Clinic III of the University of Catania Policlnico 134 ureterorenoscopy procedures (URS) .the review covered the medical records considering the age, BMI, medical history, treatments and the stone free rate of URS the indication for therapeutic purposes has been carried out in the ureter and kidney stones of size handling <15mm, placement of ureteral catheter, ureteral stenosis, treatment of high urinary tract neoplasms. (Figure 9) .the procedure took an anesthesia care to spontaneous breathing, with cardiac monitoring.
Discussion The development of complications in an investigation conducted is slightly higher than the detected case studies, (14%) in the absence of ureteral injury. the survey carried out has a therapeutic success in the first two years stood at 70% reaching the 90% at the end of the period observed, then the use of both general and spinal anesthesia promotes muscle paralysis avoiding potential injuries. With fast deployment anesthetics. Conclusion :The URS is a safe and reliable reality in the treatment of ureteral pathology. the analysis of clinical cases allows to state as the stretch pelvic ureter is easier to deal with both flexible semirigid uretroscopi that becomes essential when a complication arises stop take the appropriate therapeutic options in order to avoid the transformation into major complications.


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