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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Research on the Structural Theoretical System of Inter-organizational Relationships

( Volume 2 Issue 4,April 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Wu Yunqiao, Zhen Jie


As the mutual integration between organizations and market as well as the emergence of non-boundary enterprises, the inter-organizational relationships have become the focus of academic circles. Firstly, the connotation of inter-organizational relationships is illustrated minutely through referencing to primary literature. Secondly, the constituent components of the inter-organizational relationship are analyzed. Finally, the theoretical model of inter-organizational relationships is constructed and systematic perception of inter-organizational relationships is formed. As a systemic study, the theoretical model of inter-organizational relationships mentioned in this paper will, to some extent, provide guidance and references for subsequent studies.

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Total View : 742 | Downloads : 733 | Page No: 69-72 |

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