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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Retrieving Aerosol Characteristics from FORMOSAT-2 RSI Images

( Volume 8 issue 6,June 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Chien-Hui Liu


Aerosol Optical Depth, Aerosol Model, FORMOSAT-2, Dark Target.


Aerosol characteristics vary with locations due to its composition. Dependent on the abundance, dark target also varies with locations. In this study, the optimal aerosol model and assumed dark target surface reflectance in AOD retrieval from FORMOSAT-2 RSI data are determined for Tainan test site, Taiwan. AERONET data are used to assess the accuracy of retrieved AOD. The results show that optimal aerosol model is determined to be desert aerosol model, which is different from maritime aerosol in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Assumed dark target reflectance at red band is determined to be 0.005, which is smaller as compared to 0.01 in Taoyuan. RMSEs in retrieved AOD in both cases are 0.11 (Tainan) and 012 (Taoyuan), respectively.


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