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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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School Administration as a Correlate of Quality Teaching In Cameroon Secondary Schools

( Volume 7 Issue 2,February 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Genevarius NJI


School Administration, Quality, Teaching, Secondary School


This paper explores the effects of school administration on quality teaching in Cameroon secondary schools. Quality teaching refers to teaching that meets required standards established by education stakeholders. Quality teaching should be able to contribute significantly in the attainment of educational objectives as well as enabling learning to meet their needs and solve problems of the society. When teaching is void of quality, the resources invested in the education production function would be wasted as learners would not be able to acquire the necessary skills needed to bring change. This study focuses on examining two areas of school administration: teacher management and leadership attributes and how they influence quality teaching in the secondary school. Concerning the research methodology, the questionnaire was the main instrument of data collection. The simple random and purposeful sampling techniques were employed to select 494 teachers from selected secondary schools. The quantitative data collected was analysed using the spearman rank correlation and the following results were obtained. In the first and second Hypotheses it was concluded that teacher management significantly affects quality teaching in the secondary school by 39.2 % and leadership attribute affects quality teaching by 5l.7%; with p-values <0.05 for both hypotheses. Based on this we conclude that school administration significantly influences the quality of teaching quality in the secondary school. Based on the above findings, recommendations were made to stakeholders in the field of education.

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