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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Scientific Analysis of Scholastic Performance of Students using Markov Chain

( Volume 9 Issue 1,January 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Rajesh Menon Kozhimattathil, Shijo Pushpan, Abraham Daivanathan Egan


Homogenous Markov chain,Scholastic performance, stochastic process.


The scientific study of scholastic performance of students over a period of time at College/University level has always helped academicians to enhance and refine the pedagogical practices in place and to guide as well as motivate the students for better performance. This paper aims to analyze the status of the student’s scholastic performance in Middle East at college/University level using Markov chain. The findings of this analysis can be used in the implementation of innovative and effective techniques at the beginning stages of college/University level study to improve or bring up the scholastic performance of students as well as to optimize the number of graduates and as a result to reduce the dropouts in all over the Middle East.


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