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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Secondary School Principalship as a Determinant of Quality Education in Selected Government Secondary Schools in Yaounde; Cameroon

( Volume 5 Issue 4,April 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Genevarius NJI


This study sets out to assess the effects of school principalship on quality education in the secondary school. Quality in education has become to measuring rod by which educational systems must operate. Within the context of this study quality education is limited to the quality of students’ output which could be determined by the quality of resource management by the school principal. The school principal is in charge of ensuring educational quality at all level and an educational system is not beneficial to the society when it is void of quality. This work is based on the hypothetical premise that principal’s characteristic and resource management influence quality education in secondary schools in Yaounde. The study used data collected from teachers of secondary school and simple random, quota and purposeful sampling techniques were used to obtain a sample size of 543 for teachers of government secondary schools in Yaounde. The quantitative approach was employed in data collection and analysis. In the quantitative approach, we constructed a questionnaire . Data collected was analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS); and the following results were obtained in relation to the hypotheses of the study.

  • Principals characteristics are significant predictors of quality education in secondary schools in Yaounde Centre
  • Resources managements is significant predictors of quality education in secondary schools in Yaounde Centre

Both of them (Principals characteristics, Resources managements) account for 62.3 percent of the variations in quality education in the secondary school.

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