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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Security & Privacy Model for Analyzing the Consumer Awareness with regards to Electronic Banking Services in Udaipur City

( Volume 6 Issue 6,June 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Anil Jain, Dr. Apurva Sarupria


Internet, e-commerce, e-banking, security, privacy, and attacks.


The Internet has significantly changed the way we communicate with other people and the way we do business today. Thanks to the Internet, electronic commerce has emerged, enabling businesses to better communicate with their customers and other industries within and outside their industries. The banking industry is the industry that uses this new communication channel to reach its customers. The e-banking system recognizes a myriad of emerging trends: customer demand, when and where they are used, which is important during product sales and the complex challenges of workplace integration. The challenges facing the electronic bank are issues of data security and privacy. This paper first discusses e-banking drivers; Second, it addresses concerns about various e-banking. Third, security and privacy issues are discussed; Fourth, e-banking attacks and their solutions.

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