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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Self Organizing Secure WSN for IOT Implementation

( Volume 5 Issue 7,July 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Surabhi Gehi, Roshan Jain


As wireless sensor networks are gaining widespread acceptance &popularity the need for making the secure & easily deployable is emerging as major challenge. This work is aimed at development of aself organizing wireless sensor network which employs tree hierarchy & provide high level of security using the most advanced cryptography & key sharing technique MATLAB is employed to demonstrate. Automatic node initialization tree based node organization employment of wireless node machine address in private key generation & use of natural randomizers to enhance security. Also communication between nodes that node to node or node to base /master over TCP/IP is demonstrated. A master node or base node which is the tree root handless all node initialization addition & deletion in conjunction with random key generation server. Also the base node facilitated generation of separate private keys for every node under it. Thus a highly secure hierarchical WSN is presented for IOT implementation.  

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Total View : 772 | Downloads : 763 | Page No: 112-117 |

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