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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Shape Analysis of Blade AndNumber of Blade for Water Turbine Prototype Performance

( Volume 6 Issue 4,April 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ahmad Yani , Yano Hurung Anoi, Ratnawati, Irianto, Junaini


Analysis, blade shape, number of blades, performance, and water turbines


Water turbine is one which the fluid mover works is the water used directly to spin the turbine runner. This study was conducted using pelton type water turbine installation and measurement of the force, rotation and the flow rate by variation of the  blade shape. The method used is an experimental method to design a laboratory-scale experiments as well as outputs a water turbine design is used as a practicum student majoring in mechanical engineering. The results showed the influence of the blade shape and the blade number of the water turbine prototype performance:

  1. The maximum tangential velocity occurs of a bowlblade shape with blade number 14 with a value of 12.769 rad / s.
  2. Hydraulic power value in this study 2.64 Watt and nkinetic power use values ​​in this study 3,886 Watt.
  3. The maximum turbine power occurs of a bowlblade shape and blade number 14 with rated power turbine 112 262 Watt.
  4. Electric generator maximum power occurs of a bowlblade shape and blade number 14 with a value of electric power generator for 1,942 Watt.
  5. The maximum turbine efficiency occurs of a bowlblade shape and blade number 14 with a value of turbine efficiency 28.888%.The efficiency of the electric generator maximum occurs of a bowlblade shape and blade number 14, with the value of the electric generator 0.736%.


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