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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Soil and Water Evaluation using (SWAT) and (HRUs) in Wadi Al Ghuwair Basin

( Volume 6 issue 9,September 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Tariq. M. Ghonmieen


Wadi Al –Ghuwair , SWAT, HRU, Soile, Water


The study of water and soil in the water basin constitutes an entry point to deal with the hydrological reality, especially the ground recharge and collecting water flowing from the runoff through the construction of dams. There is great importance to study the soil and rocks in the watershed of  Wadi Al –Ghuwair and in places where dams are built in particular. The importance of the study lies in the research on the basin topography, its girdle, the shapes and types of rocks and soils, the inclination and intensity of the slopes, and their impact on the hydrological reality. In order to achieve this goal, GIS, RS and SWAT technology were used, and the basin was divided into 32 sub-basins and 84 homogeneous HRS to facilitate their classification and study. It has found that there is severe groin in the basin, especially in the middle of it, where approximately 55% of the area of ​​the basin constitutes areas with a slope of more than 20%. Also, dolomite rocks, sand and limestone formed 42% of the basin area, whereas the least percentage of marl and chalk was about 5%.

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