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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Solar Energy and the Role of Solar Cells in Providing Energy and Architectural Formation for Buildings in Syria

( Volume 6 Issue 8,August 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mohamad Deab Aloosh


solar panels, solar energy


Current advances in technology, especially those associated with environmental control systems, influence contemporary architecture. Solar systems are one of the environmental control systems. Such systems are used as sources of environmentally friendly energy and thus are often classified within the group of concepts associated with the mixing of buildings with the environment.

The research aims to spot methods utilized in integrating the solar panels with the architectural system and the way to use these panels to reinforce the sweetness of the ultimate architectural form. The possible locations of solar panels – by sort of a panel – are investigated to finally achieve a balance between the sweetness aspect of buildings and therefore the required energy saving of cells. The research also aims to research the acceptance of the people to the thought of using the solar panels in their buildings to partially solve the energy problem they suffer from.

Finally, the researcher concluded that using solar systems in buildings is one of the simplest methods to unravel the electricity problem in SYRIA thanks to functional and economical advantages. Functionally,abuilding system produces electricity without adversely affecting the environment.Economically, a building system – despite being costly at the start – saves money in the long term.

Paper Statistics:

Total View : 580 | Downloads : 571 | Page No: 47-61 |

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