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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Solution to Transport Chain Sustainability: Increasing E-Commerce User Awareness

( Volume 6 Issue 12,December 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Akriti Kartik, Gauri Jere, Kritman Singh, Reuben Sam, Yash Kumar Singhal


Transport Chain, online shopping


With an increase in global sourcing and online shopping, the negative effects of an unsustainable supply chain are becoming evident. We have designed an algorithm for an online plug-in to help combat this problem. The algorithm computes and processes the carbon emissions during the delivery of each product. Using this data, a ‘Sustainability Rating’ out of five, would be generated to help consumers make better informed choices. 

To understand our idea’s potential effects, we collected primary data about consumer patterns and preferences through a survey. Our analysis of this data showed that consumers would make greener choices if they were aware of the environmental impact of their purchases.

As customers would opt for products with higher sustainability ratings, our solution can, in the long term, shift the consumer base towards more localized deliveries and significantly reduce the carbon footprint of online shopping.

The research and ideation in our paper can be used to further develop our project, and possibly implement it in the future.


Paper Statistics:

Total View : 734 | Downloads : 725 | Page No: 43-47 |

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