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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Spermatogenic Activity of Rajatachandrodaya Rasa

( Volume 2 Issue 10,October 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr.B.B.Joshi, Dr.Pradeep Agnihotri, Dr.Anitha Joshi, Dr.Dinesh


Rajatachandrodaya Rasa (RC) is a Sagandha, Sagni, Parada Moorchana which is Kanthastha and Bahirdhooma Kupipakwa Rasayana prepared as per the guidelines of Bheshaja Samhita. RC was prepared with 1:8:16 proportions of Shodhita Rajata, Shodhita Parada and Shodhita Gandhaka by Kupipaka method. RC is having therapeutic potential ranging in diseases such as Hridroga, Madhumeha, and Jwara and also possesses Rasayana and Vajeekarana properties. Till date, no reported studies are available pertaining to vajikarana effect of Rajatachandrodaya Rasa. Hence an attempt has been made to evaluate spermatogenic activity of RC experimentally on wistar strained male Albino rats and compared to Siddha Makaradhwaja.Animal experimental study of RC done on Albino Male rats under all necessary precautions. RC was taken in two different doses (0.45 mg/0.2kg &0.54 mg/0.2kg.b.wt) and compared with Control (distilled water & food) and Standard (Siddha Makaradhwaja) groups. Study shows increase in sperm count (up to 95-99 million) which shows effect of RC on spermatogenesis. It showed statistically significant (p<0.05) Spermatogenic activity compared to control group (p<0.05) & standard group (p<0.05). Histopathological study also showed increase in size of seminiferous tubules. Basement membrane was tightly bound with germinal epithelium. The lumen of seminiferous tubule was filled with bundles of Spermatozoa suggestive of significant Spermatogenic activity.

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