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Students Perception and Preferences on Teachers Written Feedback in ESL Writing

( Volume 6 Issue 12,December 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Thiviyaa Maniam, Parilah Mohd Shah


Teacher’s Written Feedback, ESL writing, Students’ Perception, Students’ Preference


Feedback is one of the prominent aspects in teaching and learning a language. In the context of second language writing, it serves a significant role in acquiring the language effectively. Although the expectations and needs of feedback for each student may differ, they are often not given an opportunity to select the type of feedback of their choice. Hence, this study aims to identify students’ perception and preferences on teachers’ written feedback in enhancing their writing skill. For that, a survey research design with a quantitative approach was employed whereby the data was gained from a set of Likert scale questionnaires adapted from Seker & Dincer (2014). A total of 94 students from a Chinese Independent High School in Klang Valley were the respondents of this study. The results were analyzed through descriptive statistics by calculating frequencies and percentages. The study revealed that students perceive teacher’s written feedbacks as a crucial element in the development of their writing skill and it has an emotional impact in their language learning. Therefore, teachers are suggested to pay more attention to students’ perception and preferences on written feedback that can further guide in optimum language learning among students.


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