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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Study (NDVI) in the Northern Wadi Araba Basin using GIS & RS

( Volume 9 Issue 6,June 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Tariq .M. Ghonmieen


Northern Wadi Araba Basin, remote sensing RS, Geographic Information Systems GIS NDVI.


With the significant decline and fluctuation of precipitation in southern Jordan in general, and to estimate the rates of change in the vegetation cover, the vegetation cover index (NDVI) was studied for the northern Wadi Araba basin, and this was generalized to other similar water basins. In order to achieve this, satellite visuals were used through remote sensing RS and analyzed through Geographic Information Systems GIS technology, and the USGS survey site was also used through satellite images taken from the Landsat 5, 7, and 8 satellites. In order to obtain several satellite visuals, it represented three time periods, the first 1987, the second 1998,2002, and the third 2014,2015. After calculating the NDVI and analyzing the satellite visuals, a significant decline was observed in the areas of forests, field crops, and pastures during the period 1987, 2002, and 2015, by rates of 28%, 47%, and 62%, respectively, and with increase in the proportions of barren lands in the basin.


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