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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Study of Cloud Services Recommendation Model Based on Chord Ring

( Volume 2 Issue 2,February 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Chen Li, Qing-Tao Wu, Jing Chen


The advent of cloud computing era, the amount of application data increasing sharply, To solve the problem that the combination of personalized recommendation technology and cloud computing, which facing prolonging the recommended time delay and on the large of network overhead, a cloud services recommendation model based on chord ring is proposed. In this model, cloud-based distributed storage model into Chord ring, Sort recommendation process a greater impact on service metadata collection system to ensure quick retrieval of candidate recommendation service sets; proposed recommendation algorithm based on weighted bipartite graph on this basis, predict the target user top-k set of recommendations. Experimental results show that the mechanism can effectively improve the recommendation accuracy and recommend efficiency.

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