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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Study of Mechanical and Insulation Property of Silicone Rubber Insulation for Subsea Pipelines

( Volume 8 Issue 4,April 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Abhijeet T. Navale, Babruvahan P. Ronge, Shrikrushna B. Bhosale


RTV Silicon rubber, Synthetic rubber .


Silicone Rubber Insulation designed as a flexible material which retains high stability even within extreme environments. The addition-reaction cure in this high-strength silicone rubber sets at room temperature. Regardless of part configuration or degree of confinement, there is no limit to the thickness of the part. The reaction between the base material and the curing agent generates RTV Silicone Rubber Insulation. This polymerization typically takes 10 -12 hours at room temp (25°C) followed by the addition of the curing agent. When used in temperatures below RT, it is recommended that it cure for 24 hours or until the material reaches full hardness before de-molding. Even when exposed to extreme temperatures and confinement, this material will not convert or de-polymerize. Heating the catalyzed substance can hasten vulcanization. When forming at extreme temps, the pace at which a thick part cures is influenced by the magnitude and form of the piece, as well as the capacity of heat to penetrate. Experiment were carried on RTV silicone rubber with mixing of Fly ash   produced by CFB boiler for elongation, strength and different salt and acidic environments to check effect of fly ash on silicon rubber properties.

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