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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Studying the Long Term Effects of Video Games on Logical Thinking and Creativity

( Volume 6 Issue 12,December 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ravish Mungee


Long Term Effects of Video Games


This paper studies the effects of video games on cognitive development with special focus on logical thinking and creativity. This is done by examining a collection of data from an online survey with 10 multiple choice style questions dedicated to testing logical thinking and 39 3-point Likert Scale questions. The research shows that, on average, people who play video games tend to have higher logical thinking abilities and a higher level of creativity than those who do not play video games. It’s also noticed that those who spend too much time playing video games have a lower score on both tests as compared to those who spend moderate amounts of time playing.

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Total View : 550 | Downloads : 541 | Page No: 52-54 |

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