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Summary of The David Bohm's Work on The Centenary of his Birth

( Volume 3 Issue 9,September 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Celso Luis Levada, Huemerson Maceti, Ivan Jose Lautenschleguer, Miriam de Magalhaes O. Levada


David Joseph Bohm was born on December 20, 1917, and obtained the doctorate in physics in 1943 from the University of California, Berkeley, under the guidance of R. Oppenheimer[1]. From 1946 he began teaching at Princeton University. He has published a series of articles on various physics topics, especially on plasma oscillations. He then wrote the book Quantum Theory considered to date a classic in the subject. In 1950 he was indicted and imprisoned for political reasons, and although acquitted in May 1951, Princeton University refused to renew his contract and he was exiled to Brazil. In 1954, David Bohm elaborated the work entitled A proposal for interpretation of quantum theory in terms of "hidden variables"(3), which sought a causal and objective description of quantum phenomena. In 1960 he enthusiastically discovered the thinking of the Indian Jiddu Krishnamurti, and from dialogues between them emerged interesting ideas in the area of the confluence of Physics with the mystical tradition.

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