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Super Red Class as a Potential Betta Classy Farm of Decorative Fish

( Volume 9 issue 9,September 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Andini Aulia, Dessy Isfianadewi


Betta Classy Farm, Decorative Fish, Super Red Class.


The business owner is sure to build this business for the most reasons because it can make itself confident and sincere and always have the confidence to go through with it and accept to face all the existing risks. According to the founder, whatever the risks that will be met will be wholeheartedly taken with a sincere sense of building this business out of love for his hobby. So that the founder is always happy and relaxed to run it; with this, the Super Red Class can run optimally as Betta Classy Farm. The owner also built this business the reason that Betta's market share in Indonesia never dies every year because Betta is one of the ornamental fish that always exists in the eyes of the world, and competition every year makes the world of Betta always lives in market share and the eyes of hobbyists. Therefore, Super Red Class builds its business to continue to be updated in producing quality betta and meeting the needs of hobbyists. Super Red Class continues to strive to dominate the world of betta ornamental fish hobbyists by delivering superior products and is now the pioneer of the Super Red betta type in Indonesia in the world of betta hobbyists in particular. Making an excellent product is not easy, but Super Red Class always has a strategy to remain superior and high-quality in the country and the export world.


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