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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

68Ga-citrate PET/CT is Valuable for Abdominal Lymphoma Imaging

( Volume 2 Issue 2,February 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ling Wang, Jiong Cai, Hong Yang, Zhaohui Zhu, Fang Li


Introduction: Although 67Ga-citrate has been used in scintigraphic imaging for lymphoma, the long physical half-life of 67Ga and inferior resolution of SPECT scanner limited the wide-spread application of this agent. In contrast, the ideal physical half-life of 68Ga and superior resolution of PET scanner push us to test lymphoma imaging potential of 68Ga-citrate. Materials: Sodium citrate was added into newly eluted 68Ga and incubated at room temperature for 15min for 68Ga-citrate preparation. Three patients with abdominal lymphoma were retrospectively analyzed after 68Ga-citrate PET/CT imaging. Results: 68Ga-citrate was labeled with >99% yield and purity within 15 minutes. 68Ga-citrate PET/CT revealed rapid progression of bowel diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in one patient; 68Ga-citrate revealed more lesion than 18F-FDG in another diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patient; 68Ga-citrate imaging was negative in an enteropathy-associated T cell lymphoma patient. Conclusion: A simplified method to prepare 68Ga-citrate without nuclide pre-purification is available. 68Ga-citrate can be used for lymphoma imaging and further evaluation is warranted.

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