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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Survey on Optimization Methods For Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network

( Volume 1 Issue 6,October 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Payal Mishra, Mrs. Neelam Dewangan


A cognitive radio is a capable Technology, which has provided a great innovation in wireless communication system as to improve the efficiency of the electromagnetic spectrum utilization in wireless network. The technology allows unlicensed user or secondary user to use the vacant spectrum of licensed user through dynamic channel assignment strategies to improve the spectral utilization and hence cognitive radio avoids spectrum shortage. Cooperative sensing is one of the fastest growing areas of research and it is likely to be a key enabling technology, for efficiently spectrum sensing in future. For this several spectrum sensing are available, which can detect the white spaces or spectrum holes and share them to the secondary user without interfering with the movement of licensed user. In order to reliably and swiftly detect spectrum holes in cognitive radios, optimization must be used. In this paper we study different optimization for spectrum searching and sharing and also compare this optimization on the basis of probability of total error on fading channel.

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