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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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SWOT Analysis in the Shrimp Cultivation Business a Case Study on MRA Shrimp Tegal, Indonesia

( Volume 7 Issue 2,February 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mukhamad Roykhan Azmi, Dessy Isfianadewi


the shrimp cultivation business, strenght, weakness, opportunity, threats.


The progress in the business from the fisheries sector start to emerge a promising business, that is the Vannamei Shrimp business. This also makes MRA Shrimp join in to take the advantage of this market. SWOT analysis is a form of evaluation of all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that exist in a company. The study aims to analyze the implementation of the SWOT analysis in the shrimp culvation business. With SWOT analysis we can analyze the opportunities for the vannamei shrimp business, in this vannamei shrimp cultivation operation, what threats and obstacles we will encounter, know the strengths and advantages that possessed in running this cultivation business.


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