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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Synthesis of Methionine-Containing Chromium Chelatesand Study of its Biological Activity

( Volume 7 Issue 10,October 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

G. Chagelishvili, A. Chkuaseli, I. Beshkenadze, M. Gogaladze, N. Klarjeishvili


Chrome; Chelate;Broiler;Feed consumption;Weight gain.


Synthesis conditions are established and methionine-containing chromium chelate compounds are synthesized: Cr(Mt)(CH3COO)2 (I); Cr(Mt)2(CH3COO)•2H2O (II); Cr(Mt)3•2H2O (III). Composition of synthesized compounds by microelement analysis. Individuality by measuring the melting temperature. Chelates have been studied by a number of physico-chemical research methods. In particular, by the method of thermographic research. It is established that they decompose in steps at the temperature range 540-6300C in the following order: 1- water molecules are broken down; 2-oxidizing acetate ions; 3-Oxidized methionine molecule. The final products of decomposition are a mixture of chromium sulfide and oxide (I); Chromium sulfide (II) or a mixture of chromium sulfide and coal (III). Spectrophotometric research has established that methionine acts as a cyclic ligand, binding to chromium atoms by means of amino group nitrogen and carboxyl ion (COO-) oxygen atoms to form five-membered metalcycles.

An experiment on a broiler was conducted to study the biological activity of a chromium chelate compound. The dynamics of broiler live weight, absolute live weight gain, daily weight gain, poultry maintenance, feed consumption per 1kg. body weight, broiler growth efficiency are studied. It has been established that the use of chromium chromate in broiler feed had a positive effect on all of the above parameters and the optimal dose of chromium chelate is 100mkg. per wing.


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