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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Technological Inputs in Higher Education and Graduate Destinations in Cameroon. The Case of The University of Yaounde I

( Volume 3 Issue 3,March 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Njebakal Souck Emmanuel , Teneng Patience Penn


This century has fondly been called the android generation because of the explosion of technology in unprecedented dimensions. knowledge of and ability to use technological gadgets and information communication and technology(ICT) is almost indispensable in all areas of human life. Education and especially higher education, is one of those arenas where such technologies are rife. Graduates destinations could be variously affected or determined by the possession or not of ICT competences which have become some of the determiners of smooth transitions from higher education to the world of work. Using the University of Yaounde1, this paper finds out the extent to which the use of digital technology in the teaching/ learning process in Higher education in Cameroon, can affect graduate destinations in terms of finding a good paying job. The methodology consisted in using questionnaires constructed in the format of the Likert scale, to collect data. The data was analyzed using the Spearman correlation. The significance level was defined p≥ 0.05. Results revealed that students from the University of Yaoundé1 are likely to swell the ranks of unemployment in the country, if they are not recruited by the government.The paper proposes a rigorous implementation of the use of digital technologies and ICTs in state universities to professionalize students before graduation.

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