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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Tectonostratigraphy of Yemen And Geological Evolution: A New Prospective

( Volume 2 Issue 2,February 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

M. Albaroot, A.H.M. Ahmad, Nabil Al-Areeq, M. Sultan


The accretion and breakup of supercontinent would form the dominant control on the geographic position and timing of all tectonically intercede activity, and would there by profoundly influenced the tectonostratigraphic record of an area. This paper is summarized and discussed in detail the tectonostratigraphic events that correspond to the stratigraphic evolution in Yemen. In light of previous literatures papers, and proposed models of the formation of earth attempted has been made to re-arrange and re-ordered in a manner that be affected by or controlled by tectonics events and re-shaped formation in favor of these events. The objective of this paper is to elucidated the tectonostratigraphic of Yemen started from the Neoproterozoic time, when west Gondwana and east Gondwana collide ahead to the separation of India from afro-Arabia, ultimately to the last event represented by the opening of Gulf of Aden and Red sea and subsequent basins formed in or related to these events. All these events are effected the gross sedimentary accumulation, depositional environment and thickness of stratigraphy of Yemen.


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