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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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The Allergic and Irritating Reactions to Metallic Implants with Trauma - Orthopaedic Patients

( Volume 2 Issue 2,February 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Beata Swieczko-Zurek


Revision operations after joint implantation, as well as complications occurring with trauma patients, whose implants are made of metal are becoming more and more frequent economic and medical problem. The most frequent reason for revision operations is aseptic loosening of joints.As early as the 1970`s, there appeared the descriptions of cases, which suggested side reactions, which followed metal implantations. In most cases it is methalosis and fistula. Sometimes they assume a form of: eczema, erythema, pruritus and others in the side of implantation, which point to allergic reaction.The article presents the analysis of clinical operation complications after the treatment of long bones by mean of ostheosynthesis with the use of metal implants and endoprothesoplastic of hip joints.

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