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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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The Challenges of International Education: A Reflective Study

( Volume 1 Issue 5,September 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ahabab Chowdhury


Australia has observed a significant growth in international student enrolments in recent years. Previous studies show that due to globalisation, the number of international students has grown quite rapidly since 1997, and most of these are undertaking vocational education and training (VET) (Nakar, 2013, p. 80). According to Australian Education International (AEI), by the end of 2009, there were approximately 73,100 international student enrolments, especially in the VET sector (2010). Chinese and Indian student enrolments comprised the largest group (AEI, 2013). In considering the increased number of students enrolled in Australian VET colleges since 1997, this paper examines international education in Australia from my personal experience. This study highlights a challenge that the VET college in which I worked faced in 2009, which arose as a consequence of internationalised education.

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