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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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The Creation of a Face Mask Detecting Alarm System with the Use of Raspberry Pi as a Component

( Volume 9 Issue 3,March 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Julie Ann B. Real, Mark Raphael D. Dela Cruz, Marcus Joshua E. Fortes, Elijah Arielle M. Soriano, Jasser Penzen L. Reyes, Raphael Gio C. Tiangco, Justin Bien R. Felicitas


Alarm System, COVID-19, Influenza, Face Mask, Raspberry Pi


The use of face masks proves to be one of the key factors in lowering the airborne transmission rates of the COVID-19 and influenza viruses. In Qatar, mask regulations were implemented as a means of ensuring that the general population wore facemasks all the time (Ministry of Public Health, 2020).  However, some people either refuse to wear facemasks or wear them improperly (Scheitle & Corcoran, 2021). Authoritative figures, such as medical and security personnel, were then tasked with upholding facemask mandates in public spaces as a way to ensure that the public would wear facemasks all the time. It leads to the main objective of this study, which is to make a Face Mask Detecting Alarm System (FMDAS) with the use of the Raspberry Pi as the main component. The results showed that the FMDAS device can detect if a person is wearing a face mask properly, as it gives a person a grade from 0–100% based on how the face is covered. In addition, it can detect up to seven people at once and has a maximum range of detection of a person's face of up to 1.5 m from the device.  Findings also revealed that the FMDAS device can be a reliable and convenient way of monitoring the proper use of face masks without creating an unnecessary workload for medical staff and security personnel, thus creating a stress-free and consistent way of lessening the spread of COVID-19 and influenza viruses in Qatar.


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