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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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The Effect of Marketing Mix on Patient Decisions Rajawali Citra Hospital Maternity Room

( Volume 7 issue 7,July 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mukti Murtini, Dr. Salamatun Assakdiyah M.Si, Dr. Zunan Setiawan M.M


Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical Evidence, Process, Decision.


This study aims to determine the effect of the marketing mix consisting of Product (product), Price (price), Place (place), Promotion (promotion), People (people), Physical Evidence (physical evidence) and Process (process) on patient decisions. Maternity Room at Rajawali Citra Hospital. Survey research that uses questionnaires as research instruments uses validity and reliability tests to test the instrument. While the data were analyzed using multiple linear regression method because the variables used were more than two variables with the results of the t-test and F-test. The results of this study indicate that the Product (X1) variable does not have a significant effect on the decisions of the Maternity Room patients at Rajawali Citra Hospital indicated by a significance value > (0.422 > 0.05). Price (X2) has no significant effect on the decisions of maternity ward patients at Rajawali Citra Hospital, indicated by a significance value > (0.203 > 0.05). Place (X3) has no significant effect on the decisions of maternity ward patients at Rajawali Citra Hospital, indicated by a significance value > (0.714 > 0.05). Promotion (X4) has no significant effect on the decisions of maternity ward patients at Rajawali Citra Hospital, indicated by a significance value > (0.077 > 0.05). People (X5) has no significant effect on the decisions of maternity ward patients at Rajawali Citra Hospital, indicated by a significance value > (0.461 > 0.05). Physical Evidence (X6) has no significant effect on the decisions of maternity ward patients at Rajawali Citra Hospital, indicated by a significance value > (0.265 > 0.05). Process (X7) has a significant effect on the decisions of maternity ward patients at Rajawali Citra Hospital, indicated by a significance value < (0.012 < 0.05). Meanwhile, simultaneously, Product (product), Price (price), Place (place), Promotion (promotion), People (people), Physical Evidence (physical evidence) and Process (process) have a significant effect on patient decisions in the Maternity Room at the Hospital. Rajawali Citra (Y), with evidence of the results of the F test calculation, namely the value of sig < alpha (0.000 < 0.05). The results of data processing also show that 56.4% of patient decisions are influenced by variations of the seven independent variables, while 44.6% are influenced by unknown variables. Process (X7) has a significant effect on the decisions of maternity ward patients at Rajawali Citra Hospital, indicated by a significance value < (0.012 < 0.05). Meanwhile, simultaneously, Product (product), Price (price), Place (place), Promotion (promotion), People (people), Physical Evidence (physical evidence) and Process (process) have a significant effect on patient decisions in the Maternity Room at the Hospital. Rajawali Citra (Y), with evidence of the results of the F test calculation, namely the value of sig < alpha (0.000 < 0.05). The results of data processing also show that 56.4% of patient decisions are influenced by variations of the seven independent variables, while 44.6% are influenced by unknown variables. Process (X7) has a significant effect on the decisions of maternity ward patients at Rajawali Citra Hospital, indicated by a significance value < (0.012 < 0.05). Meanwhile, simultaneously, Product (product), Price (price), Place (place), Promotion (promotion), People (people), Physical Evidence (physical evidence) and Process (process) have a significant effect on patient decisions in the Maternity Room at the Hospital. Rajawali Citra (Y), with evidence of the results of the F test calculation, namely the value of sig < alpha (0.000 < 0.05). The results of data processing also show that 56.4% of patient decisions are influenced by variations of the seven independent variables, while 44.6% are influenced by unknown variables. Meanwhile, simultaneously, Product (product), Price (price), Place (place), Promotion (promotion), People (people), Physical Evidence (physical evidence) and Process (process) have a significant effect on patient decisions in the Maternity Room at the Hospital. Rajawali Citra (Y), with evidence of the results of the F test calculation, namely the value of sig < alpha (0.000 < 0.05). The results of data processing also show that 56.4% of patient decisions are influenced by variations of the seven independent variables, while 44.6% are influenced by unknown variables. Meanwhile, simultaneously, Product (product), Price (price), Place (place), Promotion (promotion), People (people), Physical Evidence (physical evidence) and Process (process) have a significant effect on patient decisions in the Maternity Room at the Hospital. Rajawali Citra (Y), with evidence of the results of the F test calculation, namely the value of sig < alpha (0.000 < 0.05). The results of data processing also show that 56.4% of patient decisions are influenced by variations of the seven independent variables, while 44.6% are influenced by unknown variables. 000 < 0.05). The results of data processing also show that 56.4% of patient decisions are influenced by variations of the seven independent variables, while 44.6% are influenced by unknown variables. 000 < 0.05). The results of data processing also show that 56.4% of patient decisions are influenced by variations of the seven independent variables, while 44.6% are influenced by unknown variables.

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