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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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The Effect of Social Identity, Perception of Value and Social Media Marketing Activity on Netizent Satisfaction (Empirical study on Instagram and Facebook users)

( Volume 6 Issue 10,October 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Abd Azis, Moh. Abd. Rahman, Moch Yunus


Social identity, perception of value and social media marketing activity on netizent satisfaction ' (empirical study on instagram and facebook users) Structural Equation Modeling AMOS (SEM-AMOS).


The development of information technology has created a digital era that causes changes in the pattern of integration in society. The internet makes it easier for people to connect and share information. The latest data from Google consumer behavior (Kamp, 2018) states that 50% of Indonesia's population is internet users, which means that it includes more than 100 million users. The presence of social media as a means of communication for the digital era provides new opportunities and challenges in digital communication. This research aims to determine the influence of social identity, perception of value and social media marketing activity on netizent satisfaction '' (empirical study on Instagram and Facebook users). Survey data were collected from 250. This study contained 3 types of variables, namely the dependent variable, the independent variable and the mediating variable. The dependent variable (dependent variable) is a type of variable that is influenced by other variables. The independent variable (independent variable) is a type of variable that affects the dependent variable, while the moderating variable is a variable that strengthens or weakens the relationship between one variable and another. Social media marketing activities act as an independent variable. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is netizen satisfaction. As well as social identity and perceived value act as mediating variables., Hypothesis Development The method used in this research was variance based, namely Equation Modeling AMOSS SEM with AMOSS was based on variance so that it is able to handle two conditions namely conditions with indeterminate factors and conditions where solutions cannot be accepted. In this study using the AMOSS computer smart program and determining a significant variable at the 'the effect of social identity, perception of value and social media marketing activity on netizent satisfaction' (empirical study on instagram and facebook users) Structural Equation Modeling AMOS ( SEM-AMOS)


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