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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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The Effects of ICT Usage on Irrigation Farming in Bongo District of Upper East Region, Ghana

( Volume 2 Issue 9,September 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Francis Yao Anyan


The study made an attitude assessment of irrigation farmers of Bongo District of Upper East Region of Ghana to find out the effect of ICT usage of on their farming activities. Structured questionnaire was used to gather information from one hundred and fifty five (155) farmers. The questionnaire completed by the farmer participants sought general demographic data which include gender, age and education level .Also information relating to land acquisition, irrigation and the use of ICT tools in their farming activities was sought. Responses from the study were analyzed using both descriptive and analytical statistical tools.

It was reveal from the study that the most common ICT tools used by the respondents include:Mobile phone, radio, television and computers. Another remarkable finding that the reveals was that ICT has no effect on irrigation farming in the study area.

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