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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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The Impact of Indonesian Economic Growth on Tax Revenue Ratio, Goverment Expenditure Ratio and Macroeconomic Aspects in The Period of 1997-2016

( Volume 4 Issue 9,September 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Rosalendro Eddy Nugroho


The objective of the research is to recommend the model of Indonesian Economic Growth in terms of Tax Revenue Ratio, Government Expenditure Ratio, Gini Ratio and Macroeconomic Aspect over the period 1997-2016. The results will be published in reputable journals. The objectives of the research are 1) To analyze the effect of the Revenue Ratio, Inflation Rate, Government Expenditure Ratio, Gini Ratio, Labor Force, Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia and Rupiah Exchange Rate Change to Indonesia Economic Growth Rate over the period 1997 - 2016, 2); Analyzing the most powerful factors affect Indonesia's Economic Growth on Tax Revenue Aspects, Government Expenditures, Gini Ratios and Macroeconomics over the period 1997-2016. Some of the analytical tools used are Multiple Regression Equations with the Multicollinearity Test, Heterocedasticity Test, Autocorrelation Test because if there is a deviation then the t test and F test done previously become invalid. The research stages are literature study and data retrieval from several media. Outline of research in the form of international journal publications. The results of the study indicated that the Government Expenditure Ratios and Interest Rates of Bank Indonesia influence significantly to the economic growth of Indonesia. The Government Expenditure Ratio has a positive impact while the Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia has a negative impact on Indonesia's economic growth.


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