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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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The Impact of Supervision on Serving Principal’s Management of Resources in Cameroon

( Volume 3 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Asah Martin Anjah


One aspect of education which is problematic is the management of resources. Presently, successful organisations insist on quantitative goals, capacity creation and higher professional skills for human resources at all level. Consequently, the survival and destiny of an organization is endangered if the head is not effective in managing the resources. The principals who are directly in charge, has been neglected over the years. This study seeks to investigate the relationship between acquired skills in resource management and principal’s effectiveness. A quantitative survey was conducted on  a  sample  size  of  886  serving  principals  in  the  south west and north west  regions  of Cameroon,( the Anglo-phone or English speaking regions) through the direct delivery method with the help of a questionnaire suited for the purpose. Data was collected and computed using the Pearson movement correlation and chi square with the SPSS software testing principals, organisational supervision, and resource management on the likert 4 scale of (SA, A, D. SD)  totaling 10 points. The result was analyzed and it was observed that, there is a significant relationship between human capital skills developed through in-service training of principals and resource management in schools. From these findings, it was commended that capacity building of principal’s competence can enhanced the management of resources and eventually improve the standard of educational in Cameroon.

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