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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

The Journey in Making ‘Smart Cities’ smarter with Solar Energy

( Volume 3 Issue 3,March 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mr. Hayagrish Balaji


Growing urbanization has meant the influx of a larger population into cities, a tremendous increase in the demand for resources such as water, electricity and thereby, an inevitable strain on them. Urban India has been a witness to this trend, necessitating the need for renewable sources of power and energy efficient measures. The work on solar cells forms part of a broader initiative to harness high tech knowledge in the physics sciences to tackle global challenges such as climate change and renewable energy. This paper has discussed and analyzed the integration of solar energy for electricity production in smart cities.

Paper Statistics:

Total View : 793 | Downloads : 784 | Page No: 90-92 |

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