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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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The Making of a Controlled-Population System out of Ultrasonic Sensors

( Volume 9 Issue 3,March 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Junrey R. Barde, Ralph Benedict J. Capili, Fritz Elizer C. Cabunilas, Sofia Isabel A. Flores, Ershad Dennis G. Anog, Erin Jewel S. Vila, Abdul Aziz I. Abou Gazar, Kristian Angelo T. Escober, Derick Noel T. Leanda


ArduinoUno, Buzzer, Controlled-Population System,Overcrowding, Ultrasonic Sensors


With overcrowding being a factor that proliferates the transmission of disease-causing microorganisms, the main objective of this study is to make a Controlled-Population System out of ultrasonic sensors. The purpose of the Controlled-Population System includes improving the implementation of health restrictions such as social distancing and limited area capacities. The device also aids in reducing the workload of security guards which serves as a counter that detects and limits the number of people who enter an enclosed space. Arduino Uno, a programmable microcontroller, was used to contain the program and interface every component. The counting system is triggered when a mobile body passes through both fields of vision of the sensors. The device uses a buzzer that sounds off an alarm to alert the person that the room has exceeded the maximum capacity and thus, must exit the room. The results of the study proved the Controlled-Population System effective in terms of the latency between the sensors and the counter, the accuracy of counting at walking speed, and the maximum distance of detection.

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